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4-H -Head, Heart, Hands and Health for transformative sustainability learning

-strategies for successful, holistic and life long learning.


  • Engaging cognitive (head), psychomotor (hands) and affective (heart) domains of learning that facilitate personal experience for participants resulting in profound changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes 
  • Incorporating learning objectives that exhibit the emergent property termed as Transformative Sustainable Learning(TSL) 
  • To help transform students into fully functional and productive individuals who commiserate with their living and non-living surroundings

The aim of this program is to pay special attention to formal, informal and non-formal education and apply the holistic, intergraded and experiential approach in education People learn, think, feel and act differently 

“Head”(Cognitive Domain of learning) aims at critical reflection. 

Towards Transformative Sustainable Learning(TSL) Besides the recommended curriculum, the students are provided an intellectual exposure through class, college and National level seminars and expert lectures. 

“Heart”  (Affective and Relational Domain of Learning) works towards relational knowing. 

Commiserating With Their Living And Non-Living Surroundings:It is an attempt towards value education where the students are not only passionate about what they do, they feel connected to the learning process and are also aware of how their outcomes affect them and others around them

 Commitment towards community and Social Responsibility is a basic value that is inculcated in all students through activities of various cells and  clubs

  Special initiatives are taken to ensure environmental protection through preaching and practice of  drives like Segregation of Waste, Stubble Burning Awareness, Reuse and upcycling, Swatchhta-both of self and one’s surroundings

“Hands” (Psychomotor domain of learning) is an effort towards the active use of learned concepts.

Working towards profound changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes:

The list of achievements by our students in various international, national, commonwealth games events is illustrious indeed.


For any admission related enquiry click here Online Admission form 2025-26 Progression Form(2023-24) Follow us on Kcw_ldh Kcw_ldh