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Student Support Facilities

Health Centre


The college has a health centre with a provision of a lady doctor for medical care of the students. A medical check-up of the students is carried out regularly. The college has annual contract with the multi-specialty Gurdev Hospital, Ludhiana for all types of medical requirements.

Grievance Redressal Cell


The college has a well-established Grievances Redressal Cell. With an aim to fix accountability and to ensure good governance, the Grievances Redressal Cell provides a platform to the students to participate in the problem solving mechanism. The grievances of the students are received through the suggestion box which is set up outside the administrative office. The Cell members scrutinize the received complaints and then address them on merit.

For any concerns or issues related to caste, please reach out to us at kcwscst@gmail.com.

Placement Cell


The Placement Cell of the college provides placement cum career counselling services to the students. The cell organises various interactive sessions with the industry experts to apprise the students about the latest developments in the industry and the skill demands of the industry for obtaining gainful employment. The cell accordingly prepares the students for appearing in the campus and off campus interviews by organising various activities like group discussions, mock interviews, and personality development programmes etc.

Anti- Ragging Cell


Ragging is strictly banned in the college as per UGC instructions. Awareness among students is generated through Anti ragging campaign being held every year at the start of the session. During the time of admission they are constantly instructed upon this issue and are also made to sign an undertaking to this effect. Punishable aspects of Ragging and possible punishments are clearly mentioned in the college prospectus. To curb the menace of ragging in the institution, Anti ragging Committee of 7 faculty members has been set up in the college. Telephone numbers of all the members of the Anti Ragging Committee are displayed prominently in the college and hostel for easy access. Anti – ragging squad of students also remained active secretly throughout the session. Anti Ragging Committee and squad has been so effective in its work that not even a single case has been reported in the last five years either in the college or in the hostel. Thus, the college ensures a cohesive and harmonious environment for its students.

Youth Club


Youth club of the College is enabling the youth to utilize energies. The objective of the club is to provide a platform for the youth to collectively work towards themselves and society. For accomplishing this aim the club is organizing different activities from time to time.

Student Council


The college has a very dynamic student council of 70 members functioning under the patronage of the principal and two senior members of the faculty. Newly elected student Council is administered oath by the Principal of the college.

Major activities of student council are:

• The student council helps to promote healthy rapport between the students and the college authorities
• To help in organizing functions like Talent hunt, Prize distribution, Convocation, Sports meet, Freshers and Farewell party.
• To maintain discipline in the institution for proper academic atmosphere.
• To bring forward the grievances of the students to the notice of the authorities.

KCW Career Coaching


The KCW Career Coaching Cell (KCW CCC) was established with the objective of nurturing talent and aptitude to prepare the students for the various competitive exams like Civil Services, Banking services, etc.

Parent Teacher Association


The Parent Teacher Association is instrumental in providing a forum for open discussions on administrative and academic aspects of the college and their constructive incorporation in policy formulation.
Class-wise PTA meetings are held to discuss the academic progress of students.

Bank Service


For the convenience of the student and the staff, the college has an extension counter of Punjab and Sind Bank, Ludhiana which is very useful for hostel students as well. ATM facility is also available.

Tutorial Groups


Tutorials are held with every Wednesday. It is compulsory for the students to attend tutorials. During the tutorials students interact freely with their tutors. The student are given information about the general discipline in the college, functioning of the college, importance of various subjects, job prospects, college activities, extra-curricular activities, pre-semester tests, academic and non-academic prizes to be won, scholarships, free concessions, importance of internal assessment and maintaining regularly in attendance etc Besides, students get a chance to discuss their suggestion and problems with the teachers. The tutor keeps track of the academic as well as emotional growth of the students and act as a perpetual guide and friend to them. Any query regarding students is to be directed towards their respective tutors.


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